We inform you that the data you provide will be processed by computer in compliance with the principles established by the current legislation on data protection (EU Regulation No. 679 of 2016) for the sole purpose of providing the requested information, and eventually to define / confirm the booking of rooms and other services.
Lifestyle Suite Rome S.L.
Piazza Navona 93 - 00186 Rome - Italy
T. +39 06 6864568
R.E.A. n. 1389746 – Registro Imprese di Roma – C.F. e P.
In compliance with EU Regulation no. 679 of 2016, regarding the protection of personal data, Lifestyle Suites Rome ( La Piazza Navona srl, Dieli slr ), with its registered office in Rome (RM) Piazza Navona 93, informs that the treatment of your personal data is carried out correctly and transparently for legitimate purposes, and protecting your privacy and rights.
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¡Llévese un 50% de descuento en su próxima fabulosa escapada a Roma!
Comience el Año Nuevo reservando su estancia de ensueño en Roma. Hospédese en una de nuestras lujosas suites con vistas impresionantes de la Ciudad Eterna. Disfrute de un 50% de descuento en cualquier reserva realizada para estancias entre hoy y el 30 de junio de 2025. ¡No pierda esta oferta especial, válida solo hasta el 31 de enero!